- About Department
- Academic Curriculum
- Laboratories
- Faculties
- Student Achievements
- News and Events
Department of Information Technology
IT department provides professional career opportunities in IT and other allied industries in the areas such as system analysis, design, development, support,mobile and distributed application development, web/eCommerce development, database administration, computer hardware, networking, education and training IT branch offers a variety of foundation courses focusing on deep understanding ,solving real time problems, designing and debugging the computer system as well as applications. SETI, IT department is well equipped with laboratories and provides good infrastructure facilities. The information technology focuses on database management, networking, security, data mining, cyber security, technical compatibility along with creative innovations to eliminate the industry institute gap.
Information Technology Academic Curriculum
2. 3110002- English
3. 3110006- Basic Mechanical Engineering
4. 3110012- Workshop/ Manufacturing Practices
5. 3110015- Mathematics - 2
6. 3110016- Basic Electronics
7. 3110017- Induction Program
8. 3110018-Physics
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2. 3110005- Basic Electrical Engineering
3. 3110007- Environmental Sciences
4. 3110013- Engineering Graphics & Design
5. 3110014- Mathematics - 1
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2. 3130006- Probability and Statistics
3. 3130007- Indian Constitution
4. 3130008- Design Engineering - I A
5. 3130702- Data Structures
6. 3130703- Database Management Systems
7. 3130704- Digital Fundamentals
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2. 3141601-Operating System and Virtualization
3. 3140705- Object Oriented Programming -I
4. 3140707- Computer Organization & Architecture
5. 3140708- Discrete Mathematics
6. 3140709- Principles of Economics and Management
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2. 3150004- Contributor Personality Development Program
3. 3150005- Integrated Personality Development Course
4. 3150703- Analysis and Design of Algorithms
5. 3150709- Professional ethics
6. 3150710- Computer Networks
7. 3150714- Cyber Security - Open Elective - I
8. 3151604- Object Oriented Analysis and Design - Professional Elective - I
9. 3151605- Formal Language and Automata Theory - Professional Elective - I
10. 3151606- Web Development - Professional Elective - I
11. 3151607- Computer Graphics and Visualization - Professional Elective - I
12. 3151608- Data Science - Open Elective - I
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2. 3160002- Contributor Personality Development Program
3. 3160003- Integrated Personality Development Course
4. 3161604- Image Processing - Professional Elective - II
5. 3161605- Software Engineering
6. 3161606- Cryptography and Network security
7. 3161607- Big Data Analytics - Professional Elective - II
8. 3161608- Artificial Intelligence - Professional Elective - II
9. 3161609- Enterprise Application Development - Professional Elective - III
10. 3161610- Data Warehousing and Mining - Professional Elective - III
11. 3161611- Advanced Web Programming - Professional Elective - III
12. 3161612- Mobile Application Development - Open elective - II
13. 3161613- Data Analysis and Visualization - Open elective - II
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2. 3170718- Information Retrieval - Professional Elective - IV
3. 3171108- Internet of things - Open Elective - III
4. 3171608- Wireless Communication
5. 3171609- Software Project Management
6. 3171610- Agile Development and UI/UX design - Professional Elective - IV
7. 3171611- Graph Theory and Combinatorics - Professional Elective - IV
8. 3171612- Virtual and Augment Reality - Professional Elective - V
9. 3171613- Pattern Recognition - Professional Elective - V
10. 3171614- Computer Vision - Professional Elective - V
11. 3171615- Data Compression - Professional Elective - VI
12. 3171616- Internetwork Security and Web Analytics - Professional Elective - VI
13. 3171617- Applied Machine Learning - Professional Elective - VI
14. 3171618- Blockchain - Open Elective - III
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SAL Engineering & Technical Institute supports well equipped computer labs with 100 Intel Corei-3 Desktops and are amply supported by additional peripherals and hardware. The college management makes sure students get full advantages of lab facility to learn and find new ways of implementing tasks.
The college provides free access to Internet to its students through 16 MBPS connectivity, the local Intranet; a 100 MBPS switched network provides an interactive platform for sharing resources and building communities.
Computer peripherals, Multimedia projectors, scanners, laser printers, web cameras form the part of the facilities.
Information Technology Laboratories
Artificial Intelligence Lab
Oracle Lab
Research & Development Lab
Basic Computing Lab
Advance Computing Lab
Networking Lab
Data Processing Lab
Object Oriented Programming Lab
High Performance Computing Lab
Software Engineering Lab

Students of CE Department under the supervision of our faculty members won Rs. 25000/- in Smart India Hackathon 2018 event organized by Govt. of India. It is one of the 5 teams selected for the said ministry all over India.
Venue: C. V. Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar, Udisa
Event Date: 30/03/2018 -31/03/2018
Team Name : Tech IO
Problem Category: Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship
Our Studenrs
1. Hetang Bhavsar
2. Tatva Shah
3. Rushil Shah
4. Anushka Shah
5. Aayushi Morabia
6. Rudraksh Jani

Shah Hetvi has won Gold Medal in National Level Volleyball Competition organized by GTU.

Morabiya Aayushi Stood first in Chess Competition at Sal Engineering & Technical Institute.

Shah Hetvi Secured rank in Volley Ball Competition at Sal Engineering & Technical Institute.